Since 1919, NPCA has been working to protect & enhance America’s National Park System.
We’re proud to be an official nonprofit partner of National Geographic’s “Yellowstone Live.”
An Insider’s Guide to Yellowstone National Park
Get a taste of why this park and the larger ecosystem that surrounds it are so special — and how to plan an extraordinary trip.
Summer 2019 Feature
NPCA and others have worked for decades to protect Yellowstone's grizzlies. Is the long-term recovery of the iconic species now in jeopardy?
Find Your Voice: Yellowstone National Park
On the borders of Yellowstone National Park decades worth of barriers to pronghorn migration are opening one day at a time thanks to the hard work of volunteers and willing private landowners. Together we can make a difference for national parks and wildlife.
Tune in and watch Yellowstone Live on National Geographic and Nat Geo Wild. Premieres at 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT, June 23. Continues at 9 p.m. ET/6 p.m. PT, June 24-26.
National Parks Conservation Association is an official nonprofit partner of National Geographic’s “Yellowstone Live”

Yellowstone by the numbers
There’s so much to explore and learn in Yellowstone, no wonder it’s one of America’s favorite places. Did you know…?
2,221,776 acres
the size of Yellowstone National Park (larger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined)
1,000 Miles
of backcountry hiking trails
visitors to Yellowstone in 2017
provided to local communities by Yellowstone visitation
23 Bison
in Yellowstone as of 1902
4,816 Bison
in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem as of August 2017, thanks to conservation efforts
2 "Threatened"
species of mammals: Grizzly bears and Canada lynx
grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
50 MPH
the top speed of the Yellowstone pronghorn, the second-fastest land mammal in the world
the year the Trout Creek dump — a feeding ground for bears — was shut down
the year NPCA launched our first advocacy group to protect Yellowstone from dam construction
3,700–8,400 Gallons
of water in a single eruption of Old Faithful
Over-the-snow coaches transport you into the heart of Yellowstone National Park, where wolves might be seen trotting near ice-rimmed rivers, and frosty-faced bison linger near the warmth of the geysers. Ramble the boardwalks among steaming and bubbling hot pools, and if you’d like, your guide will teach you the fundamentals of snowshoeing or cross-country skiing. There’s something for everyone on this winter journey.
Ditch the crowds and head to the quiet northwest corner of Yellowstone to backcountry geyser basins and connect to the genuine, unadulterated wonder of the park. This new adventure includes hiking, white-water rafting and kayaking where you'll likely see more elk than people.